Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Can anyone give me the specific height requirements to be a Disney princess?

I am quite small and I would love to be Rapunzel or maybe Ariel, I've been on the website but I cant seem to be able to find the height requirements!

Bit one of his finger hard. What is the grammatical function of hard?

Adverb, as it describes the biting, which is the action verb in the sentence. The sentence is ungrammatical, however, as it lacks a subject and should say "fingers."

Who is overseeing YA/ Elections tonight?

So what all did you write in your free speech? Perhaps, THAT CONTENT, was the reason your questions were removed, I have not seen YA to be unfair toword either candidate, here we go again....Obama 08'

Romantic poem I wrote for St. Valentine’s Day…Please Read?

beautiful, I ume you plan on not getting any on this lovely evening right? are you getting her a box of chocolates too

How do i get a non-profit organization recognized?

I am apart of a non-profit organization called Deter-Me-Not. it is christian based and it was created to help yong women aged 13-18 recognize their full potential and show them that the media is not all there is. Well anyways, the founder and co-founder of D-M-N are greatly appreciated by everyone that they have helped. I am so determined to get them recognized by anybody that can help them succeed in their mission. They have really put an effort into all of their work and I just wanna let somebody know of their great abilities to lead teenage girls in a different direction. So, if you have any ideas on how to get this incredible non-profit organization recognized please let me know. And if possible, please post any links to possible websites that might be of istance.

Has Deftones made a music video for "Cherry Waves" yet?

Ive been hearing this song on Octane on Sirius, and I cannot get enough of it. Ive been looking for a music vid for it, but all Im finding is live performances and stuff

Where was God? Does God only help the privilaged?

a href="http://www.whydoesgodhateamputees.com/" rel="nofollow"http://www.whydoesgodhateamputees.com//a